Solar Orbiter, the new ESA Sun Explorer, developed in collaboration with NASA, will be launched from Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) on February, 9th (one day slip from original date) at 05.03am (CET). Solar Orbiter will be the first mission to operate in extreme environment up to 500C°, providing images of…...
OHB Italia as one of the main player on ISRU project in Luxembourg with ESA
OHB Italia is deeply involved on the ISRU (In Situ Resources Utilization) project to develop the utilization of lunar resources directly on-site. A reactor is under construction by OHB Italia premises to transform regolyth (lunar sand) in oxygen. OHB Italia was hence one of the main players in Luxembourg during…...
Admiral Carlo Massagli (Military Advisor to the President of the Council) visited OHB Italia premises
On Friday 12th July, OHB Italia SpA received the institutional visit of Admiral Carlo Massagli, Military Advisor to the Italian Prime Minister. The Admiral was informed on the ongoing programs and on the future business opportunities for the company. He was especially interested on the Flyeye Telescope which, in a few…...
Flyeye Media Event. Press Conference to introduce the innovative FOV Telescope
The Flyeye Telescope is an innovative optical instrument, mimicking the complex structure of a fly’s compound eye. The application of Flyeye will permit to implement an innovative wide survey Earth protection service, for detection of threatening asteroids dangerous for Earth. ESA’s Flyeye Telescope, the first of its kind, has reached…...
Angelo Vallerani confirmed as President of the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster
The Directive Board of the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster has re-elected as President Angelo Vallerani (CHIEF of institutional Relations of OHB Italy), for the upcoming three years (2019-2021). The responsibility of the role is strategic, as the Aerospace sector in Lombardia accounts for one third of the whole national export, with…...
PRISMA Satellite successfully launched
Starting last night, PRISMA satellite has begun its mission orbiting Earth. Its hyperspectral eyes will soon observe and acquire new images of Earth giving insight into its natural resources. Using the VEGA launcher, it took off from the European base of Kourou in French Guyana at 2.50 am GMT+1. PRISMA…...
PRISMA: new launch date planned on March 21st, 2019
The launch of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) mission PRISMA (Hyperspectral Precursor and Application Mission) has been postponed a few days due to further verifications. The new date for the launch of the PRISMA satellite from the European spaceport of Kourou in French Guiana is now targeted to the night…...