Our colleague Walter di Nicolantonio held a #lecture at the prestigious First International School on Satellite Meteorology (#ISSM) in Villa Doria d’Angri near Naples. During the presentation he had the opportunity to describe the #MWI instrument, with focus on E2E system, to an audience of sixty young specialists, from different parts of the…...
Incontro con il Prof. Roberto Ragazzoni
Oggi presso la nostra sede di Milano abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare il Prof. Roberto Ragazzoni, Presidente di INAF – Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica. Non potevamo che discutere di #Flyeye, dato che il nostro “gioiello” nasce proprio da una idea del Prof. Ragazzoni e che successivamente OHB Italia S.p.A. ha ingegnerizzato e…...
#FlyeyeTelescope #SpaceDebris OHB Italia S.p.A. #EarthProtection
#FlyeyeTelescope #SpaceDebris OHB Italia S.p.A. #EarthProtection “Space traffic management, mitigation and control of space debris, and sustainable resource utilization beyond Earth. These are the topics we discussed today at the #NewSpaceHorizonsConference in El Alamein, together with Dr Mohamed Al-Aseeri, CEO of the NSSA – Bahrain National Space Science Agency, Pierre Delbrel,…...
Great news from OHB Italia S.p.A. for #CometInterceptor: tests on the different development models (#structural, #thermal and #electrical) of the Comet Interceptor instruments are in progress. In parallel, test activities on the #Spacecraft A Avionic Test Bed (#ATB) have started at our premises. As part of the activities for the consolidation…...
Welcome on Board @ OHB Italia S.p.A. to our new colleagues:
WILLIAM ROSITI – is joining the #ProductAssurance team in the Quality Business Unit ALESSANDRO CANTISANI – is joining the #EPS & #Harness team in the Satellites & Missions Business Unit GABRIELE CONTI – is joining the #GroundSegment team in the Satellites & Missions Business Unit PAOLO GALLI – is joining the #Software team in the…...
Lombardia Aerospace Cluster
OHB Italia S.p.A. Angelo Vallerani hashtag#MinistrodellaDifesa Lombardia Aerospace Cluster Farnborough International >> https://lnkd.in/gEywPAXE “Inizia così la partecipazione del Lombardia Aerospace Cluster al Farnborough International Airshow 2024 di Londra, con la vista di Guido Crosetto, Ministro della difesa della Repubblica Italiana e quella di Luigi Carrino, Presidente del Distretto Aerospaziale della Campania – DAC allo…...
OHB Italia S.p.A. #RAMSES #PlanetaryDefence
RAMSES (Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety Good to hear that preparatory work is starting on #ESAs next planetary defence mission – the Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety (Ramses). It is so thrilling. Imagine, there will be an exceptionally close flyby of #Earth in 2029. ☄️The asteroid Apophis will pass within 32000…...
PERCHÉ LO #SPORT IN OHB Italia S.p.A.? #3 – STIMOLA LA #CREATIVITÀ Ebbene, cosa è la creatività? Si tratta dello sviluppo e dell’espressione di idee innovative per la soluzione di problemi o per la soddisfazione di bisogni. E cosa stimola la creatività? Senza dubbio la capacità di #immaginazione, la #motivazione, l’abilità di accettare l’#insuccesso, l’#ascolto, l’ #accettazione di…...
Flyeye is watching the sky
Next milestone for Flyeye telescope! We are happy to announce, that the hashtag#Flyeye telescope has successfully reached its next milestone: With the “Telescope Shipment Review” the system was totally verified and the telescope is now ready to be delivered. Developed and assembled by OHB Italia S.p.A. and funded by the…...